Akademy Records is currently accepting submissions from producers, songwriters, composers, performers, music groups, and solo-artists of all genres who are actively striving for a professional international music career. We work with professional musicians with studio and stage experience, as well as those with exceptional talent that are just starting out. Akademy Records has partners among many major and independent labels, both in the United States and worldwide. Our connections include sound recording and distribution companies, concert promoting agencies, management companies, music attorneys, American composers’ societies, performers’ professional associations, television, radio, representatives of the film industry, the media, and Internet services. The development of the Internet has broadened the scope of our services. Communication and networking are easier, information is processed quicker, and it is easier to sign agreements. We don’t exaggerate when we say that Akademy Records is one of the most progressive and dynamic music management and artist development recording label in the world today. Contact us today at info@AkademyRecords.com to find out how we can take your career to the next level.